Tuesday 19 November 2013



it has been MONTHS since the last time i posted something. I bet no one cares but whatever ha. Just to filling up all my unpresence, yes its now fucking november ya bitch i know pmr is over im waiting for the results.
My birthday this year i turned 15 last month it was one of heck month for me like with pmr and my birthday in the same week fuh pressure! This year's birthday was totally different in fact i cried on my fucking birthday!! Yeh my friends didnt stayed up bcs pmr kan lol i even slept early on my birthday night and woke up in the morning like "my birthday is today?" And went on wechat i saw hasif is the only person who wished me and turned out my friends they all forgot about my birthday heh but i kindaokay like yea pmr and on tuesday where FUCKING FREEDOM PMRS OVER we all celebrated my birthday and our freedom at mcdonalds (keep in my mind nurin treated me gcb and nisa paid for my double cheeseburger oh my double cheeseburger ur gone for good) and it was the best day of my lifez.
On top of that we all greeted by this devastated news about ros. After trial and eid holidays we didnt exxpect it at all. Still shocked. But alhamdulillah she's getting better now.
After trial nisa, ika, anis and i went to midvalley to watch THIS IS USSSS (WELL APPARANTLY NOT IKA) we had such a great time. I would never forget masa nak balik tu we had to buy my ticket and it was hilarious the machine only accept fucking coins lmao
And right a few days before pmr counselling held this program where they call a motivator but this program is reseved for 81 person wah patting my back coz im included. We supposed to bring our parents. Yes my mom was the one who came yayyyy!!! And irdina just had to brought a FUCKING WHERE WE ARE BOOK TO SCHOOL I CANT HEPL MYSELLD I WAS SQUEALING WITH UMMI THEN I RECOVERED. and the second slot we got to our parents and the motivator made all of us to talk to our parents and in my case, my mom. Get my blessings from my mom and apologized and dear lord i said "mom forgive me for all my wrongdoings *BBAAM AND THE TEAARS STREAM DOWN MY FACE*" i couldnt finished my sentences but i did hhha.. my mom cried so hard so did i "nenek wanted you to be a doctor so i want you to be a doctor i believe in you…" thats when i lost it i hugged my mom and cried on her tudung BASAH SIAL TUDUNG MAMA NAZRIN YANG KAT BELAKANG PUN PERASAN PEH. and during pmr everyone was being extra nice and sweet to me awww masa tu je
November 2013 everything has changed and cant believe i would say this but I LOVE ONE DIERECTION im not kidding okay those five lads mean the world to me. I need a special post for them okay so not gonna talk about it now and gonna continue on LIFE AFTER PMR
lol okay we had like 2/3 weeks before school session to be over. So school held some programs and stuff. First day i came to school after pmr i already feel like going home and sleep like man u kiddin right. After returning textbooks (sobs sobs) they had like a futsal tournament ngl im not interested at all bcs most of my friends were absent SO WE SPENT THE REST OF THE DAY AT THE LIBRARY SWAAAGG boring. And it was a monday we had a grooming class it was a whole lot of fun we learned about our face and makeups and stuff and yes so many pictures were taken my storage is full.
Tuesday i didnt come.
Wednesday REWAANNG MEMASAAAKKK peh jadi anak dara jap bawah parking lot belakang canteen potong bawang apa lancau tah we cooked chicken curry made some kerabu and sambal belacan! Ha.
And i cant remember sangat but i remember i joined dikir barat and my group won and played congkak after that ooooo people from college datang and my friends and i didnt even give two fucks at them we were busy doodling bcs i just realised i brought my sharpies haahahahaa. And we made keychain too.
And its the penutup day aka last day of school. All my girls were there we had a great time PAGI JE after recess cam haram malas nak cerita and yes SELFIESSSSSS
And 31st october we went to aeon and had a movie marathon it was a great hang out. We watched gravity and FUCKING INSIDIOUS woah never forgetting this day we screamed a lot i fs2g keluar wayang tudung semua serabai and spent 26 bucks on photobooth nbd!!!
And just the next week ika, nurin, nazrin and i went around the town. Well at first it supposed to be a class gathering but ya everyone was busy and shit but yes they missed the best part tho. We all met at mcdonalds and it was raining and talked about random things and greeted nazrin who apparantly sneaked out of his tahfiz to lepak with us it was the best day of my life. We went to tutti frutti afterward hahhh and then we went to karaoke!!!!! i swear i had such a great time singing my ass off my throat was even sore all thanks to nazrin for paying it.
So dis da lyfe!!! I have plenty of time for some plans for sure will be updating more.

posted from Bloggeroid

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