I know its kinda late to story bout' Holiday. But, who cares. DGAF.
Oh yeh, pelajar sekolah di Malaysia mendapat cuti selama satu minggu. Bebeh~~ happy gila. Yaa, cause before holiday starts, examination will be starts too. Means, lepas habis exam, terus cuti. SEMINGGU / 9 HARI.
Gila woi. But based on Puan Ho there's 'Cuti-cuti Belajar' Means, the teacher akan bagi homework belambak lambak. Tapi sudah terlambat cikgu mengatakannya. Cause kebetulan, hari Jumaat, cikgu Maths tak datang, Sc tak datang. So, for sure no homeworks. Cuma ada sikitlah. Bm. Correction Penilaian Kurikulum haritu.
And of course, when holiday start, there's another lifeless story published. Neh......tahu jelah, pelajar. Kat rumah online, tweeting, youtubing, reblogging, makan, tidur, online and so on. Macam apa je. Jadi automatiklah berat bertambah~